Featured work

A curated list of some of the work I've done in recent years.

  • Fintraffic Design System

    at Fintraffic (2021->)

    Leading the creation of Design System and Design Language to unify the UX and UI of all of Fintraffic's public facing apps and self-developed traffic management and control systems.

  • Intelligent Traffic Management for Finnish railways

    at Fintraffic (2021->)

    Leading the design efforts of next-generation human-centric railway Traffic Management System and existing mission & safety critical traffic management tools that make train traffic in Finland possible.

  • KUPLA - a critical tool for difficult environments

    at Solita for Fintraffic (2020->)

    Lead designing & working in an agile team developing an existing tablet application. Mandatory for all train drivers in Finland. Mission & safety critical mobile app made for varying & difficult conditions.

  • T-LOIK - Traffic Management System for Finnish roads and tunnels

    at Solita for Fintraffic (2018-2020)

    Designing Traffic Management System for Finnish state roads and tunnels. System is used to control the speed limits, lane signs, ventilation, alerts etc. of major Finnish roads and road tunnels.

  • Accessibility consulting

    at Solita for Maanmittauslaitos (National Land Survey of Finland) (2020)

    Overseeing and consulting on the accessibility efforts of National Land Survey of Finland on their dozen of different applications. Educating internal staff and software developers on accessibility and designing accessibility fix & testing pipelines.

  • Digital Marketing Asset Management System

    at Abako for Rovio (2018)

    Designing and building a Digital Marketing Asset Management system for Rovio. System handles all of Rovio's digital marketing assets, both static and dynamic, and serves Rovio globally.

  • Election Campaign and Political Party Financing Management and Auditing System

    at Abako for Valtiontalouden tarkastusvirasto VTV (National Audit Office of Finland) (2017-2018)

    Redesigning a critical internal software for managing & auditing of election campaign and political party financing in Finland.

  • Viestintävirasto.fi

    at Abako for Viestintävirasto (FICORA, now Traficom) (2017-2018)

    Working as a designer for viestintavirasto.fi and kyberturvallisuuskeskus.fi.

  • Tampere.fi

    at Abako for City of Tampere (2017-2018)

    Working as a designer and accessibility consultant for tampere.fi.

  • Radio Permit, Exam and Certification Management System

    at Abako for Viestintävirasto (FICORA, now Traficom) (2015-2017)

    Lead designing a new Radio Permit, Exam and Certification Management System for FICORA to manage, audit and approve applications for radio licenses, such as personal radios, 4g/5g antennas, satellite phones etc.

  • Stato Software Platform

    at Abako (2015-2018)

    Leading the design efforts and working as a Product Owner for the next-generation version of Stato App Platform. My work included designing and developing a component and module library, developer tooling etc.